Fast, easy hand-held scanning
Know who is in your venue
Track occupancy, entry and exit
Products Entry Manager
Knowing if all your guests, or an audience has arrived, means the show can go up on time (or be held for a few minutes more). Using a hand held mobile device, patrons can be scanned in quickly and easily and their entry recorded.
Should you wish to track exits, Entry Manager can also be used to scan people leaving. The benefit of this is you have an accurate record of arrivals and departures, and can use dwell time as a tool to profile how long a patron demographic spends in your venue or attraction.
Being a good host means knowing who is in the building at any time, and fulfilling your duty of care as part of your health and safety responsibilities. Tracking entry and exit to your venue with a hand held mobile device that scans all types of tickets allows you to do this.
Real time occupancy shows visitor numbers and how many audience members are in a performance space at any one time giving you an overview while on the move.
Entry Manager lets you manage your venue with ease: